Life Sharing
of the Burnaby Association for Community Inclusion
of the Burnaby Association for Community Inclusion
What does it mean to share a life?
Life Sharing means living with and sharing life's experiences together and forming a supporting and caring relationship.
We at BACI believe that a home is more than just a location or physical materials. It is people, relationships intertwined with the day to day and the celebration of what's still to come.
We start with a three way relationship between you, the person with disabilities/their family and BACI. Each of the members has a role to play in this relationship and each member puts their hand in with a set of hopes, dreams and expectations.
While every Life Sharing relationship is unique, there are some hopes and expectations that are common. Such as having a good life lived with purpose and the right and reality to be treated and supported with respect.
LSN Team- 2022
2702 Norland Ave,
Burnaby, BC
M-F 9am–5pm
LSN Providers Resources (Contractors)
1. BACI Contractor Code of Conduct
2. BACI Life Sharing Provider’s Guide
3. Standards for Home Sharing – Community Living BC (CLBC)
4. Reporting Procedures and Forms
Relevant Links
Provincial Ministries and Funding Agency for People with Intellectual Disabilities
Relevant Associations and Networks
Transit: Translink – Access Transit Programs
Health Services
Employment and Training Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities
Need to talk right now?
Call 604.299.7851
from 9:00am – 4:00pm daily