Life Sharing


of the Burnaby Association for Community Inclusion


What does it mean to share a life?

Life Sharing means living with and sharing life's experiences together and forming a supporting and caring relationship.

We at BACI believe that a home is more than just a location or physical materials. It is people, relationships intertwined with the day to day and the celebration of what's still to come.

We start with a three way relationship between you, the person with disabilities/their family and BACI. Each of the members has a role to play in this relationship and each member puts their hand in with a set of hopes, dreams and expectations.

While every Life Sharing relationship is unique, there are some hopes and expectations that are common. Such as having a good life lived with purpose and the right and reality to be treated and supported with respect.


Hear from our Caregivers



LSN Team- 2022

BACI's Indigenous logo is an Eagle Spindle representing peace, unity and upholding one another. It celebrates and reinforces BACI's deep commitment to inclusion, diversity, equity and reconciliation.

Need to get in touch?



Office Location

2702 Norland Ave,
Burnaby, BC


M-F 9am–5pm

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Send Us A Message

Need to talk right now?
Call 604.299.7851
from 9:00am – 4:00pm daily